Avéli™ Cellulite Treatment

What is Avéli™ Cellulite Treatment?

Cellulite is a common condition that affects the appearance of the skin, causing it to have a dimpled, lumpy texture. It is most commonly found on the thighs, hips, buttocks, and abdomen, and affects mostly women, although it can also occur in men. Cellulite occurs when fat cells beneath the skin layer bulge outwards and push against the connective tissue fibrous bands (called septa). Avéli™ cellulite treatment identifies and releases these septa to allow the overlying skin to be untethered. Dr. Victoria Aimé in Scottsdale, AZ and Carefree, AZ is excited to be one of the first to offer Avéli™ for a meaningful and long-lasting reduction in cellulite dimples.

Quick Facts


1 -2 hour procedure length

Local anesthesia

In office procedure or as an add on to surgery

1 day downtime


Minimally invasive

Reduces appearance of cellulite on the thighs and buttocks

Long-lasting results

Minimal downtime

Who is a good candidate for Avéli™ cellulite treatment?

You'll likely be a great candidate for an Avéli™ cellulite treatment if you are:

  • Overall healthy
  • Have distinct skin dimpling of your buttocks and/or thighs due to cellulite
  • Are not taking blood thinners or have a bleeding disorder
  • Are not pregnant
  • Are not diabetic or have uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Desire a reduction in the appearance of cellulite

Preparing for Avéli™ Cellulite Reduction

Prior to your procedure, you will meet with Dr. Aimé at a consultation appointment to discuss your areas of concern. A physical exam will be performed to ensure that the dimpling of concern is likely due to fibrous bands associated with cellulite and not due to skin laxity or other causes. Photographs will be taken for your medical chart and should you decide to move forward, your procedure date will be scheduled.

Avéli™ cellulite treatment

Avéli™ cellulite treatment utilizes a  a handheld device to manually target and release the complicated web of septa bands causing cellulite dimples. Prior to your procedure, your cellulite dimples will be marked. Small incisions are then made in the lower buttock creases and the areas to be treated are numbed. The Avéli™ device is inserted and a small light on the device is used to guide it's placement. Once a band is found, a hook is deployed to ensure that the correct septa is identified. The fibrous bands are then cut and the device is repositioned to located the next band.

Recovery after Avéli™ cellulite Reduction

There is little to no downtime after the procedure. In the clinical study, most patients returned to normal activities within 24-48 hours.

The most common side effects reported were mild pain within the first 24 hours and bruising and tenderness to the touch which typically resolved within 30 days. Some patients returned to normal activities within one day of the procedure and most within several days. It is recommended to avoid any strenuous activities or workouts in the 1 - 2 weeks after the procedure to allow the area to heal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Common questions from patients.
What kind of scars can I expect with eyelid surgery?

The eyelid skin usually heals exceptionally well. In an upper blepharoplasty procedure, the scar is hidden in the eyelid crease and is typically barely perceptible. A lower blepharoplasty that requires skin to be removed and muscle tightening will have a scar placed just below the lash line. If only fat is removed or transposed in the lower blepharoplasty and there is no need for skin removal, the procedure can typically be performed through the back of the eyelid resulting in no visible scar.

What is the difference between neck liposuction and a necklift?

Neck liposuction is a procedure to remove extra fat cells around the neck, under the chin and along the jawline in patients that do not have significant extra neck skin. This fat is often what gives the appearance of a “double chin” and hides the natural contours of the neckline. A neck lift is a procedure to remove loose neck skin and tighten the neck muscles that can separate and become apparent as platysmal bands.

What the different types of liposuction?

There are a variety of types, techniques and devices for liposuction. When liposuction first began, it was performed as a simple cannula (a straw-like device) attached to a suction (like a vacuum) and removed fat just by this suction effect. This is called "traditional" or "suction-assisted liposuction." In the very early days of liposuction, tumescent fluid was not even used.

Over time, liposuction techniques and the devices used to perform liposuction have evolved. Most surgeons now use power-assisted liposuction with tumescent fluid in some form. Power-assisted liposuction uses the same cannulas and suction as a foundation, but the cannula oscillates or vibrates to help free the fat cells from their attachments and make them easier to remove.

Some liposuction devices use ultrasound or lasers to break up or melt the fat cells (called ultrasound-assisted liposuction and laser-assisted liposuction respectively). While there are many unique marketed names for liposuction procedures, the majority utilize these devices and same fundamental techniques. During your consultation, Dr. Aimé will discuss her approach and surgical technique with you.

What happens if I get pregnant after having a tummy tuck?

Having a tummy tuck does not affect a woman’s fertility or the ability to carry a baby to term. While it is possible and safe to get pregnant after a tummy tuck, ideally a tummy tuck should be performed after you are done having children. However, sometimes unplanned pregnancies happen or women desire more children. In these cases, it is important to know that pregnancy can cause the skin and abdominal muscles to stretch out in order to accommodate the growing baby, particularly in the latter stages of pregnancy. This can affect the cosmetic result of the tummy tuck in some, but not all individuals.

Each body responds differently to pregnancy and it is not possible to know beforehand how any one person’s result will change with pregnancy. Some women may decide to have a revision tummy tuck done afterward if they re-develop loose skin and lax abdominal muscles, while others may not have much change in their results.

Prior C-sections and having a C-section again after a tummy are also both completely possible and safe. Revision tummy tucks are possible; however, results after a second or third tummy tuck may be less predictable due to the development of scar tissue from the prior tummy tucks and C-sections.

What is the difference between an "anchor" scar and a "lollipop" scar?

The anchor scar, which is also medically known as an "inverted-T" or "Wise pattern" incision, is characterized by its shape, which resembles an anchor or an inverted letter "T." It is one of the traditional incision patterns used in breast reduction and breast lift surgeries. The incision typically consists of three components: a vertical incision that runs from the bottom of the areola to the crease under the breast, a horizontal incision along the inframammary crease, and a circular incision around the areola (periareolar incision).The anchor scar allows for significant reshaping and lifting of the breast, making it suitable for cases where there is a substantial amount of excess breast tissue and sagging.

The lollipop scar, as the name suggests, resembles a lollipop, with a vertical incision and a circular (periareolar) incision around the areola. The lollipop scar lacks the horizontal incision along the inframammary crease because skin and breast tissue are not removed in this area. While less incisions and scars can be desirable, the trade off is that it makes shortening an elongated breast very difficult.

Dr. Aimé generally performs breast lifts and breast reductions with an anchor scar so that the breast can be optimally shaped horizontally and vertically.

How are Breast Implant Sizes Measured?

Implant sizes are measured as a volume in cubic centimeters (or cc's), rather than in bra cup sizes. This gives more exact measurements and options to choose from. Roughly 125 - 200 cc is one cup size. Implants come in a variety of projections. The least projected implants are fairly flat and the highest projecting are most round. Typically there are several levels of projection between these two as well. In order for the projection to change while keeping the same volume, the base width (flat/back part of the implant) is decreased while the height is increased. The base width that is best for you is largely determined by your chest wall anatomy. If you have a wider chest wall, then a wider base implant will fit you better and vice versa. For this reason, Dr. Aimé will measure you breast base width during your consultation exam. You will also have the opportunity to try on sizers to determine the volume you like best. Taking this in combination with the aesthetic appearance you are hoping for in terms of breast roundness, Dr. Aimé will help you choose the implant that best fits your chest wall and your goals.

How much fat that is transferred is expected to take?

Fat cells are living cells and must grow in a blood supply where they are transferred in order to survive. We call this fat graft "take." Typical fat graft take rates are approximately 50%, but can be more or less. Generally, the final amount of fat graft take is evident by about three months after surgery

What is the difference between a breast reduction and a breast lift (mastopexy)?

Though sharing similarities in surgical technique, these two procedures vary in their intended outcomes. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is undertaken to address the issue of sagging or drooping breasts. Its objective is to elevate and reshape the breasts by repositioning existing breast tissue and eliminating surplus skin and a minor amount of breast tissue. Notably, a mastopexy does not substantially alter the size of the breasts; its primary aim is the restoration of a more youthful and uplifted breast profile. Conversely, a breast reduction focuses on decreasing the size of the breasts. This procedure is predominantly chosen by individuals with excessively large and burdensome breasts, leading to physical discomfort such as back, neck, or shoulder pain, along with posture issues. While a breast reduction can also result in a lifted appearance, its primary emphasis lies in reducing breast volume and weight.

How much fat that is transferred stays?

Fat cells are living cells and they need to grow in a new blood supply once they have been transferred. For this reason, not all of the cells survive the transfer process. Typically, approximately 50% of the transferred fat cells stay. Pressure on the fat cells (such as sitting or laying directly on the areas of fat transfer) and shearing(such as scooting from a chair or bed or rubbing the areas) can also harm the fat cells. Nicotine-containing products also hinder the ability of the fat cells to survive as nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict (clamp down) and impairs the blood supply to the newly transferred fat cells.

What is an alternative treatment option to an arm lift (brachioplasty)?

If there is not too much excess skin present, you may be a candidate for arm liposuction alone to remove excess fat. This can sometimes be combined with skin tightening treatments.

What causes labial tissue to elongate?

First and foremost, your genetics determine how your labial tissue will develop. It is common to begin to notice lengthened labia minora tissue and asymmetry during and after puberty. The tissue is also influenced by hormones and can lengthen more with pregnancy. Vaginal childbirth can also cause the tissue to stretch.

Are there non-surgical options for torn earlobe repair?

Unfortunately, if your earlobe is torn or the piercing hole is large, your options are limited to either leaving it untreated or opting for surgical repair. Non-surgical alternatives are not applicable in these situations.

What causes gynecomastia (male breast enlargement)?

There are many causes of gynecomastia. Lifestyle choices such as poor diet and lack of exercise can lead to increased fatty tissue over the chest. Hormone fluctuations (such as during puberty), anabolic steroids and testosterone supplementation can stimulate enlargement of the breast tissue. Many medications (such as sprinolactone, ketoconazole, and cimetidine) as well as recreational drugs, including marijuana, can also cause gynecomastia. Medical conditions including liver disease, thyroid disease, kidney disease and certain cancers such as testicular cancer are also associated with gynecomastia. In some cases the cause of gynecomastia remains unknown.

How long do I need to wear a headband or dressing after surgery?

Once the surgical bandage is removed, patients will be instructed to wear a headband during the day and night for the first two weeks after the procedure and then at night only for an additional two weeks. This helps protect the new ear shape.

How quickly will I see improvement in my cellulite?

The results of your Avéli procedure should be visible once swelling and bruising subsides. By one month post-procedure you should start to see the effects of the procedure.

What is the benefit to combining procedures during a mommy makeover?

The benefit of combining surgical procedures is that it can decrease the costs of the surgical facility and anesthesia as well as combines recovery and downtime from multiple procedures to one or fewer time periods.

Where is fat usually taken from?

In a facial fat transfer procedure, fat is usually taken from areas of the body where there is more of it. Common donor sites include:

Abdomen (belly)


Flanks (love handles)

The choice of the donor site depends on the patient's body, their preferences and the availability of excess fat.

Can you get rid of back rolls without surgery?

Usually if there is a significant amount of loose skin, surgery is recommended as the most effective way to remove the excess skin and tissue. Non-surgical treatments are generally not effective for correcting or improving loose skin over the back.

What happens if my breast implants are removed and not replaced?

Many women choose to remove their breast implants without replacing them, especially if their implants are large and heavy, or if they feel that implants no longer fit their lifestyle. In this situation, you have two options: you can either simply remove the implants or combine the removal with a breast lift.

Over time, implants can stretch the breast tissue, and in some cases, the pressure from the implants can cause the tissue to shrink. This means that after the implants are removed, the breasts might look saggy or sunken, especially in the upper part.

If you decide to have your implants removed, you can wait to see how your breasts look and choose to get a breast lift later if needed.

Can Botox or other neuromodulators help at all?

Neuromodulators, such as Botox, can be used as a non-surgical method to raise the outer portion of the eyebrow by relaxing the muscle that pulls this part of the brow down. Typically, it will raise the eyebrow 1 to 4 millimeters and can lift excess upper eyelid skin a small amount. If your outer eyebrows are asymmetric, placing neuromodulator in the tail of the lower brow can be a way to improve symmetry as well.

Can the fat return after liposuction?

Although the body has the ability to make new fat cells, generally the cells that remain simply change in size with weight fluctuation. For example, once the superficial fat cells in the neck are removed with liposuction, those in deep tissues of the neck can grow larger with weight gain. Therefore it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen following neck liposuction.

What is tumescent fluid?

Tumescent fluid, or sometimes called "numbing fluid," is a combination of fluid and medications that is instilled into the areas to be treated immediately prior to liposuction. It generally contains three important components.

1) Saline or saline-like fluid: This causes the fat cells to swell and makes them easier to remove.
2) Lidocaine: This is a numbing medication that helps minimize pain during the procedure.
3) Epinephrine: This medication causes blood vessels to constrict or squeeze down, which helps significantly decrease bleeding during the procedure.

Although different surgeons may use slightly different forms of this, the vast majority of surgeons use tumescent fluid with liposuction for safety and patient comfort.

How long after my pregnancy should I wait to get a tummy tuck?

It is best to wait at least one year after delivery before undergoing a tummy tuck procedure. This allows the body to fully recover from pregnancy and for hormone levels to return to their baseline. It is also best to be as close to your ideal body weight as possible before getting a tummy tuck to achieve the best result.

What is the difference between a breast lift (mastopexy) and a breast reduction?

Although similar in surgical technique, these two procedures differ in their purpose. A breast lift (mastopexy) is performed to address sagging or drooping breasts. It aims to lift and reshape the breasts by repositioning the existing breast tissue and removing excess skin and a small amount of breast tissue. A mastopexy does not significantly change the size of the breasts; its primary goal is to restore a more youthful and perkier breast profile. Whereas a breast reduction is a procedure focused on reducing the size of the breasts. It is primarily chosen by women who have excessively large and heavy breasts that may cause physical discomfort, such as back, neck, or shoulder pain, as well as posture problems. While breast reduction can also lift the breasts, it places a greater emphasis on decreasing breast volume and weight.

Do implants have to be replaced every ten years?

Generally not if they are not bothering you, encapsulated or ruptured. The longer implants are in place, the more they wear (just like tires on the road) and this is why the risk of implant rupture increases with time so it is likely that they will have to be replaced at least once at some point in your lifetime. You desired implant size and shape may change with time as well and this is another reason patients often choose to replace them.

What can be done to improve the amount of fat that takes (stays)>

In order to provide the best opportunity for freshly transferred fat cells to take, you will be given a set of post-op instructions. In general, pressure and overly tight compression should be avoided. This includes laying on the areas where fat has been transferred or wearing too tight of a bra. Rubbing and massaging of the areas where fat has been placed should also be avoided. A diet high in protein also helps with wound healing in general and is encouraged.

Will my insurance cover the cost of breast reduction?

Regrettably, obtaining insurance coverage for breast reductions has become increasingly challenging over the last decade or so. Many insurance companies now demand the reporting of specific symptoms (such as back/neck pain, difficulty exercising, the need to wear multiple bras, challenges with clothing), observable physical signs (like bra strap grooving), and documented attempts at interventions, including a minimum of six months of NSAID use or engagement in physical therapy. Despite fulfilling these criteria, patients may face insurance denials post-surgery (even after prior authorization) if the removed breast tissue is deemed insufficient. The required amount is determined by body surface area (calculated from height and weight) using the 'Schnur Scale,' establishing the minimum grams of breast tissue to be removed for insurance coverage. For instance, a patient with a height and weight of 5'4" and 150 lbs, resulting in a calculated body surface area of 1.7466 m2, would typically need to have approximately 404 grams of breast tissue removed from each breast for insurance coverage. This equates to about 14 oz or roughly 1.75 cups (equivalent to a grande Starbucks cup). However, this poses a challenge for smaller or more petite individuals, as the mandated removal quantity can leave them with limited breast tissue remaining.

If I have had liposuction done before, can I have it again?

Yes, liposuction in a given area can be performed more than once. However, typically, there is scar tissue present and less fat in these areas to harvest for fat transfer. In this case, Dr. Aimé may recommend liposuction of other areas as well for sufficient fat to transfer.

Can anything be done for crepey skin on the arms?

Crepey skin is generally due to a combination of aging, sun damage, genetics, weight gain and loss and lifestyle habits, such as smoking or tanning. It can be improved with non-surgical treatments such as microneedling or radiofrequency microneedling. Topical body products containing retinol can help some as well. In Arizona and other dry areas, Dr. Aimé recommends applying moisturizer to help the skin stay hydrated. Sunscreen is always recommended.

What symptoms are common with redundant labial tissue?

Many patients report physical discomfort during activities such as exercise, sexual intercourse and even just day to day movement. The lengthened labial tissue can rub, pinch and become irritated in underwear, tight clothing and bathing suits. The extra tissue can sometimes be visible in tight clothing and bathing suits causing self-consciousness and avoidance of certain clothes. Ungarmented, patients also report embarrassment during intimacy. It is also common to have more difficulty maintaining hygiene of the area and some patients report increased frequency of infections. For these reasons, many patients that choose to have a labiaplasty procedure performed, do so for both cosmetic and functional reasons.

Can torn earlobe repair be performed on both earlobes at the same time?

Yes, torn earlobe repair can be performed on both ears simultaneously. Having both ears repaired during the same procedure is a common and feasible option. This approach can be convenient for patients, as it often requires only one session, minimizing the overall recovery time and allowing for symmetrical healing. However, the suitability of simultaneous repair will be assessed during the preoperative consultation, taking into consideration the your specific situation and the extent of the damage to each earlobe.

How common is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is quite common. It is not unusual for men to feel that they are the only one with this condition. Many men wear compression undershirts and avoid shirtless situations such as the beach or the pool due to distress and embarrassment from the appearance of their chest. However, gynecomastia is more common than is typically discussed. There are generally three peaks during a lifespan that gynecomastia occurs. The first is during infancy due to estrogens in breast milk. The second most common timeframe to develop gynecomastia is during puberty. In fact, up to 70% of male adolescents develop gynecomastia due to hormonal changes during puberty and 25% of the time this pubertal gynecomastia does not resolve on its own and persists into adulthood. The last most common timeframe to develop gynecomastia is middle age to early older age, in which up to 65% of men are affected. So although not commonly openly discussed, gynecomastia is in fact very common.

When can I resume wearing earrings or other ear jewelry after otoplasty?

Typically, you can resume wearing earrings 1 month after otoplasty surgery.

Will I need multiple treatment sessions?

Generally, most patients undergo one in-office Avéli® cellulite treatment.

Will I have to do my mommy makeover in stages?

Sometimes it is beneficial or safer to break up the procedures into stages. Often if this is the case, the breast surgery and abdominoplasty are performed together and liposuction, fat transfer or other procedures are performed at a separate date. This is decided individually based on your goals, your candidacy for each procedure and Dr. Aimé's recommendations and is generally discussed during your consultation appointment.

How long does facial grafting last?

The results of facial fat transfer can be long-lasting, but the duration varies from person to person.

Immediately after the procedure, some of the fat cells may be absorbed by the body, so the final results may not be fully visible until a few months later. Typically, about 50% of the transferred fat survives long-term. The fat that remains after this initial period can last for years, sometimes even permanently. However, factors like aging, weight fluctuations, and lifestyle choices can affect how long the results last.

For most people, facial fat transfer provides more lasting results compared to temporary fillers, making it a popular option for long-term facial rejuvenation.

Will losing weight or exercising get rid of back rolls?

Loose skin generally does not improve with weight loss or exercise and in fact, losing weight can make the appearance of loose skin worse. Once there is significant loose skin, such as after losing a lot of weight, usually surgery is required to correct it.

Will I have droopy eyelids if my parents did?

Aging, in general, is dependent on a combination of factors including genetics, lifestyle choices and experiences (such as exercise, diet, smoking, etc.) and sun exposure. While genetics passed down from your mother and father does play a large role in how you will age, it is not the complete picture in terms of what to expect. Being healthy in other aspects of your life will help offset premature aging to some degree. That said, if one or both of your parents had droopy eyelids, there is a reasonable chance that you will too. In some people, this occurs early in life while in others it occurs later in life. Regardless of age, a blepharoplasty is an excellent way to brighten the appearance of your eyes.

Can neck liposuction improve sagging neck skin?

Neck liposuction is primarily designed to remove excess fat from the neck and improve the contour of the jawline and neckline. While it can be effective in reducing fullness and enhancing the appearance of the neck, it is not specifically designed to address significant sagging or excess skin.If sagging skin is a prominent concern, additional procedures may be recommended to achieve optimal results. These procedures may include:

Neck Lift (Platysmaplasty): A neck lift is a surgical procedure that focuses on addressing sagging skin, loose muscles, and excess fatty deposits in the neck. It involves tightening the underlying muscles and removing or repositioning excess skin to create a smoother and more youthful neck contour.

Skin Tightening Procedures: Non-surgical treatments such as radiofrequency or plasma therapies can be used to stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity. While these options may provide some degree of skin tightening, the extent of improvement may be limited compared to surgical interventions.

Combination Procedures: In many cases, a combination of neck liposuction and other procedures may be recommended to achieve comprehensive rejuvenation. This could involve addressing both excess fat and sagging skin for a more balanced and harmonious outcome.

How much fat can be taken out?

Up to 5 liters total can be safely removed in one outpatient surgery. Think of a 2L soda bottle. This is 2.5x that amount! The majority of this volume is fat, some of it is tumescent fluid that is infiltrated at the start of the surgery and a small amount is blood. This limit is a guideline set forth by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) for patient safety. For patients needing or desiring more than 5 liters of fat removal, Dr. Aimé generally recommends staging procedures and can discuss what options would be best based on your body type, areas of concern and aesthetic goals.

Do men get tummy tucks?

Yes, men do get tummy tucks! With aging and weight fluctuation, men may develop loose skin over their abdomen and desire a slimmer and more taught torso.

What is an "auto-augmentation" breast lift?

An "auto-augmentation" breast lift is a specialized technique in breast surgery that combines a breast lift (mastopexy) with a unique approach to utilize breast tissue that would normally be removed and discarded. This is typically desired when a patient wants to lose as little breast volume as possible from their breast lift surgery and does not want a breast implant. In some cases, patients may choose to stage this procedure following fat grafting to the breasts to increase breast volume, which is then conserved and repositioned using the auto-augmentation technique to achieve fuller, more ideally shaped breasts that are natural.

When should mesh be placed?

Mesh is best used with larger, heavier implants (i.e. 400 cc or more), if the implants are placed above the muscle or if the shape of the breast needs to be reinforced (i.e. bottomed out implants, implants that are too close or falling too far to the side).

Can fat be transferred to the breasts more than once?

Yes, provided that there are other areas of fat to harvest from, fat transfer augmentation of the breasts can be done multiple times until the desired size is achieved.

Is there a minimum age for a breast reduction?

There is no specific minimum age requirement for breast reduction. Minors can undergo a breast reduction with parental approval. While age is not a major concern, it is generally advisable to wait until one is a bit older. This allows individuals to gain a better understanding of their bodies and ensures that their bodies have completed a significant portion of the developmental stage.However, a notable issue is that breasts may continue to grow after the procedure, potentially necessitating another breast reduction. Therefore, it is optimal to wait until a medical professional deems that the breasts have fully developed. The timeline varies for each individual, but typically women are considered fully developed by the age of 18, although some may still experience breast growth into their twenties.

Can a BBL be performed more than once?

Yes, a Brazilian butt lift can be performed more than once. In fact, this may be recommended for patients that have severe hip dips, very flat buttocks or desire a very augmented appearance.

Can exercise alone improve my arms?

Exercise is a great way to tone your arm, shoulder, back and chest muscles. It also improves blood flow to your skin along with many other benefits. In many patients who follow a dedicated exercise regimen, there may still be stubborn fat or skin laxity. Arm liposuction, skin tightening and/or and arm lift procedure may be the best option to achieve the desired contour and appearance of your arms. Oftentimes, patients will return after recovering from their arm rejuvenation procedure and proudly show off how they can now see their tricep muscles and wear their favorite cardigans or sleeveless tops.

Will a labiaplasty alter sensation?

Swelling and numbness or hypersensitivity is common immediately after the procedure and during the healing process. This is generally temporary. The nerves that provide sensation to the clitoris enter deep in the tissue and have multiple branches. Removal of excess clitoral hood tissue is more superficial to this and meticulous care is used when performing this procedure. Although it is possible to have decreased sensation after a labiaplasty procedure, the risk is low.

What will the scar look like after my earlobe is repaired?

The scar following earlobe repair surgery typically appears as a small, vertical, or slightly curved line at the center of the lobe. Initially, the scar may be firm and pink, but it gradually softens and fades in color over time. Once well-healed, the scar is generally barely perceptible, especially when earrings are worn again.

Do I need to get a mammogram or labs to measure hormones done?

Generally, no. Most gynecomastia is a benign process that is mostly just emotionally distressing and not in itself harmful. During your consultation appointment, your medical history will be thoroughly reviewed and a physical exam will be performed. Only if there are any concerning findings, which is quite rare, will Dr. Aimé recommend follow-up with your primary care doctor for further work-up imaging or labs prior to your procedure.

Are there any restrictions on activities or sports following otoplasty?

Generally, walking may resume right away after surgery. Light physical activity such as non-contact exercise may resume after 3-4 weeks to allow the ears to heal. Normal, strenuous exercise may resume 6 weeks after surgery. Regardless, the healing ear(s) should be protected from direct trauma, such as with contact sports.

Can I treat the dimples on my buttocks and thighs?

Yes! Typically, the most improvement is seen on buttock dimples, but improvement can also be seen on the thighs as well. Both the buttocks and thighs can be treated at the same time. During your consultation, Dr. Aimé will discuss which areas she thinks would have the greatest improvement.

How soon after my last pregnancy can I have a mommy makeover?

Dr. Aimé recommends waiting a minimum of 6 months after your last child birth before having a mommy makeover and to be at least 3 months past when you stopped breast feeding. This allows the body to heal from pregnancy and childbirth and return to a normal state. The closer you are to your goal weight, the better your results will generally be as well.

Can I have facial fat grafting more than once?

Yes, you can have facial fat grafting more than once. While a significant portion of the transferred fat may survive long-term, some of it will be naturally absorbed by your body within the first few months after the procedure. If the initial results don’t provide the desired level of volume or enhancement, or if additional touch-ups are needed later due to aging or other factors, you can undergo repeat fat grafting.

How do you sleep after back lift surgery?

After back lift surgery, it's important to sleep in a way that promotes healing and comfort. The best position is to lie on your tummy, which minimizes pressure directly on the incisions. Side sleeping is also generally not advised right away. Typically you can resume sleeping on your back ~2 weeks after surgery so long as incisions are healing well.

Will eyelid surgery change my vision

Eyelid surgery should not significantly change your vision. However, we typically recommend against getting new glasses for approximately 6 months after eyelid surgery to allow swelling to resolve and any minor vision changes to stabilize.

Will I have to wear a compression garment after neck liposuction?

Generally, yes, a compression garment (also called a chin strap) should be worn to decrease swelling and improve redraping of the skin as it heals. For the first two days, the compression garment is worn during the daytime and nighttime and then transitions to nighttime use only through 2 weeks.

Do I have to wear a compression garment after liposuction?

Generally, Dr. Aimé will have you wear a compression garment after liposuction for 2 weeks. These garments help decrease swelling, which helps improve your comfort, and helps drain tumescent fluid after the procedure. Some patients elect to wear their compression garment longer because they prefer the feeling of support from it and that is just fine to do. One compression garment is provided with your procedure, but a second one can be ordered if requested. Generally, compression garments should be worn day and night except while bathing and washing the garment.

Even though I am fit, my abdomen still pooches out. Why is that?

Once the muscles and the tissue that joins them together (called the fascia) gets overly stretched out from pregnancy or significant weight fluctuations, they are often unable to return to their pre-stretched state. The distance between the abdominal muscles that run vertically from the pelvis to the rib cage on either side of the belly button and these muscles becomes too wide to achieve the leverage needed to maintain tight, flat abdomen. In these cases, no amount of core exercises will restore the elasticity of the fascia and bring the muscles back close together. Even in thin patients after pregnancy, it is common for the abdomen to protrude and may even appear as though still pregnant. This is corrected by sewing the rectus abdominis (“six-pack”) muscles back together in the midline to restore their vertical alignment and strength. It is still very important to do core exercises, including the oblique muscles, to improve and maintain the entire abdominal core strength.

Is there a maximum age for a breast reduction?

There is no upper age limit for breast reduction surgery. The primary consideration for older patients revolves around the overall health of the individual and whether their body can adequately support the breast reduction procedure. Generally, as long as a patient is in good health, it is okay to proceed with the procedure. The determination of whether one is in "good health" for the surgery is generally made by the surgeon in conjunction with the patient's primary care physician and other physicians (such as cardiologists and anesthesiologists). Older patients are generally required to have pre-operative labs drawn and an EKG performed.

Can my earlobe get re-pierced?

Yes, you can absolutely re-pierce your repaired earlobe! Dr. Aimé advises waiting a minimum of 6 weeks after your earlobe repair before considering re-piercing. If you choose to proceed, Dr. Aimé is more than happy to perform the re-piercing for you. To ensure a comfortable experience, she typically administers numbing to the ear prior to the piercing.

Can male breast surgery be combined with other procedures?

Yes, it can in most cases. Often, patients choose to have liposuction done on other areas (such as the armpits, neck, abdomen or flanks) or a tummy tuck performed during the same surgery.

Can cellulite come back?

Cellulite typically does not recur after treatment as the fibrous bands are cut and do not "regrow."

What happens if I get pregnant after a mommy makeover?

Having a mommy makeover does not affect a woman’s fertility or the ability to carry a baby to term. While it is possible and safe to get pregnant after a tummy tuck, ideally a tummy tuck should be performed after you are done having children. Similarly, breasts may stretch out again with breast feeding. However, sometimes unplanned pregnancies happen or women desire more children. In these cases, it is important to know that pregnancy can cause the skin and abdominal muscles to stretch out in order to accommodate the growing baby, particularly in the latter stages of pregnancy. This can affect the cosmetic result of the mommy makeover in some, but not all individuals. Each body responds differently to pregnancy and it is not possible to know beforehand how any one person’s result will change with pregnancy.

What are the alternatives to a back lift?

If the upper back or bra roll areas are large due to fat more so than due to loose skin, you may be a candidate for liposuction only. Otherwise, some patients choose to have skin tightening with or without liposuction.

Will a blepharoplasty correct my lazy eyelid?

An upper blepharoplasty is designed to remove excess eyelid skin and fat, but it will not correct the position of the upper eyelid margin much (aside from unweighting it). If the upper eyelid lash line covers the majority of the iris (colored part of the eye) or even the pupil (the black central portion of the eye), you may have a condition called blepharoptosis (pronounced blef-ah-ro-toe-sis). This condition is quite common with aging and is due primarily to the upper eyelid muscle getting overly stretched out or lax. In order to correct this, the upper eyelid muscle needs to be re-tightened. An upper blepharoplasty is usually performed at the same time if needed because both use the same incision along the upper eyelid crease. If you suspect that you have blepharoptosis, this condition is best treated with a specialized eye surgeon called an oculoplastic surgeon. We are happy to refer you to one of our trusted colleagues if you would like.

Will I lose weight after liposuction?

Liposuction is not a weight loss surgery and the purpose of liposuction is not to lose weight. Although up to 10 lbs. of fat cells can be removed with liposuction, this can vary based on technique, how much fat is present in the treatment areas, how much tumescent fluid is mixed with the aspirated fat cells, and other factors. Generally, patients will weigh more right after liposuction because there is swelling present and some residual tumescent fluid in the body. As this subsides, their weight will return to normal or less than their baseline weight (although this can take several months).

Do I have to have general anesthesia (go to sleep) to get a tummy tuck?

Yes, a tummy tuck is best tolerated under general anesthesia. This not only keeps you comfortable during the procedure, but also allows the abdominal muscles to be fully relaxed during the muscle repair (plication) portion of the procedure.

What are the main risks of earlobe repair?

Earlobe repair is generally considered a safe and straightforward procedure; however, like any surgical intervention, it carries some inherent risks. Potential risks associated with earlobe repair may include:

Infection: Although rare, there is a risk of infection at the surgical site. Proper post-operative care and adherence to hygiene guidelines can significantly mitigate this risk. Typically, antibiotics are not routinely prescribed or administered due to the low risk of infection associated with this procedure. Nevertheless, if any signs of infection manifest post-operatively, the use of antibiotics may become necessary.

Bleeding: Some bleeding may occur during or after the procedure. However, this is usually minimal and can be controlled with proper surgical techniques and post-operative care.

Scarring: While efforts are made to minimize scarring, the formation of visible scars is a possibility. Factors such as individual healing patterns, skin type, genetics, sun exposure, and adherence to aftercare instructions can influence the extent of scarring.

Pain and Discomfort: Mild to moderate pain and discomfort may be experienced during the recovery period. However, this is typically manageable with over-the-counter pain medications such as Tylenol and ibuprofen.

Allergic Reaction: In rare cases, individuals may experience an allergic reaction to local medications, skin antiseptics or materials used during the procedure. Thorough pre-operative assessments help identify and minimize such risks.

Asymmetry or Irregularities: Achieving perfect symmetry may be challenging, and there is a slight risk of asymmetry or irregularities in the repaired earlobes. Skillful surgical techniques and precise attention to detail aim to minimize these risks.

It's important to note that the likelihood of complications is generally low, and many patients undergo earlobe repair with successful outcomes. Dr. Aimé will discuss these potential risks and address any concerns you may have during your pre-operative consultation, ensuring you are well-informed and confident about the procedure. As with any medical intervention, individual outcomes may vary, and strict adherence to post-operative care instructions is crucial for optimal results.

Is the the removed breast gland sent to pathology?

Yes, any excised male breast gland is sent to pathology to ensure that there are no masses present within the tissue. While male breast cancer is very rare, it does exist and it is important to have a pathologist review the removed glandular tissue to ensure that it is not present.

How do I know if I have true cellulite or skin laxity?

Typically, gently pulling upwards on the skin will improve the dimples if they are due to skin laxity. If dimples are due to true cellulite fibrous bands, the dimples will remain even with the skin is lifted.

How long after eyelid surgery do I have to wait before I can wear eye makeup again?

It is exciting to be able to put makeup on your eyelids after having excess skin and fat removed. Once your incisions are well healed, you should be able to begin using eye makeup again. Typically this occurs about 2 to 3 weeks after the procedure. Just be certain to remove the makeup very gently as the incisions are still gaining strength for approximately 6 weeks after surgery.

Can the fat cells come back after liposuction?

While the body has the ability to regenerate new fat cells, generally weight loss or weight gain tends to mainly affect the fat cells that remain. Not every fat cell is removed with liposuction. A layer of fat is left in place so that skin doesn't stick to muscle and look unnatural. Usually since there are fewer fat cells in the areas that have been treated with liposuction, weight fluctuation will be distributed more to other areas of the body and also be more visible in these other areas.

Is a tummy tuck painful?

Everyone is different in terms of pain tolerance. General anesthesia is used to put the patient to sleep during the procedure and relax their muscles. Dr. Aimé injects long-acting numbing medication into the muscles and the incisions to help alleviate the pain after surgery. This helps make patients more comfortable and decreases the amount of pain medication needed after surgery.

What are the signs of infection after a torn earlobe repair?

Although infection is very uncommon, recognizing signs of infection after torn earlobe repair is very important. Watch for any of the following signs:

Increased Redness: A significant increase in redness around the surgical site may suggest infection.

Swelling: Excessive swelling that persists or worsens over time could be a sign of infection.

Pain or Discomfort: Intensified or prolonged pain that goes beyond the usual healing process may be indicative of an infection.

Pus or Discharge: The presence of pus, unusual discharge, or a foul odor at the incision site may signal infection.

Fever: A fever or an elevated body temperature could be a systemic response to an infection.

Worsening Symptoms: If symptoms such as pain, redness, or swelling worsen rather than improve, it may be a cause for concern.

Should you notice any of these signs, it is crucial to contact your surgeon promptly for evaluation and appropriate management. Early detection and treatment of infections contribute to optimal healing outcomes after torn earlobe repair.

What are common complications of male chest surgery?

The most common complication after male chest surgery is accumulation of blood under the skin of the chest (called a hematoma). Although this can require that the wound is opened to drain the fluid, it can often be treated with needle aspiration in the office and additional compression. Loss of sensation of the nipple and areola is uncommon, but can occur. Although rare, the blood supply to the nipple and areola can be injured during the procedure resulting in loss of viability of the areolar skin. This can possibly require an additional procedure to reconstruct the nipple areola or medical tattooing to restore the natural pigment, which can be faded (called hypopigmentation) in rare cases.

How long after eyelid surgery do I have to wait before wearing contacts?

The incisions and sutures following eyelid surgery are very delicate. For this reason, it is advised to wait until your incisions are healed before resuming contact lens use. Plan on wearing glasses for approximately 2 to 4 weeks after the procedure.

Will I be able to stand up straight after a tummy tuck?

Tightening the abdominal muscles and closing the skin incision during a tummy tuck can make it somewhat difficult to stand completely upright immediately after surgery. The long-acting numbing medication injected during surgery helps improve the sensation of tightness and many patients are able to stand up fairly straight within a day or two after surgery and most are able to stand up straight by one week. You should not need a walker or cane after surgery.

What is the cost of earlobe repair surgery?

Generally, the cost of earlobe repair for one ear is approximately $1300 or $2000 for repair of both earlobes. Complimentary re-piercing is included.

Can gynecomastia recur?

Generally, the results from male chest surgery are long-lasting. Weight gain, steroid use (testosterone or anabolic steroids), certain medications, marijuana use, hormone fluctuation and some medical conditions can lead to recurrence of gynecomastia. A small amount of male breast gland is left under the nipple and areola purposely during the procedure to support the nipple and areola and prevent it from "caving in."

I have permanent eyeliner. Will that be affected by eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery should not affect typical permanent eyeliner tattoos. The upper blepharoplasty incision is usually 7 millimeters or more away from the lash line while the lower blepharoplasty incision is placed below the lash line on the lower eyelid and placement can be tailored to avoid interfering with existing permanent eyeliner.

What are the scars like after a tummy tuck?

There will be a scar where the incisions are made on the lower abdomen and around the belly button. The lower abdominal incision is placed below the underwear line to help conceal it. The length of the scar depends on how much extra skin and fat need to be removed for the tummy tuck procedure.

Is torn earlobe repair covered by insurance?

Insurance coverage for torn earlobe repair is typically applicable only in cases of traumatic tears, where two actively bleeding surfaces are present. In such situations, immediate emergency care involves suturing the surfaces together. However, if the tear edges have healed over, the repair procedure is not covered by medical insurance, and the patient is responsible for the associated costs. Additionally, it's important to be aware that the expense of earlobe re-piercing is not covered by medical insurance.

Will gynecomastia go away with weight loss and exercise?

True gynecomastia, where the breast tissue itself is enlarged, will not typically go away with weight loss and exercise. The most effective treatment for gynecomastia is surgery to remove the enlarged breast tissue.

However, pseudogynecomastia, which is when the enlarged breasts are made up of only fatty tissue, which is most commonly seen in older or over-weight men, may improve with weight loss and exercise.

If I have dry eye, will eyelid surgery make it worse?

Unfortunately, eyelid surgery can make dry eye symptoms worse. If you have dry eye, please be sure to tell your surgeon to ensure that skin removal during the procedure is conservative. Patients are typically given artificial tears in the forms of drops, gels and/or ointment after eyelid surgery. In patients with dry eyes at baseline, it will be important to use these and any other medications your ophthalmologist recommends to ensure that the cornea remains moist.

Will I have drains after my tummy tuck?

Usually drains are not placed during a full, mini or extended tummy tuck without liposuction. If liposuction is performed on the abdomen, waist, or back or if a fleur-de-lis or body lift are performed, drains are placed to help remove fluid and prevent it from accumulating, which is called a seroma. Progressive tension sutures are placed in all tummy tucks performed by Dr. Aimé. These sutures under the abdominal skin help hold it in place during healing and help prevent seromas from developing.

What kind of earrings should I avoid in the future to prevent my earlobe from tearing again?

The earlobe, a delicate structure composed of skin, fat, and fibrous tissue, undergoes natural changes over time, including thinning, weakening, and potential stretching. Common contributors to these changes are the regular use of heavy earrings or gauges. Long, dangly, or hoop earrings pose a higher risk of snagging, pulling, or causing tears. Opting for small, lightweight earrings minimizes such risks, and removing earrings at bedtime can further reduce the likelihood of earlobe stretching or tearing. While enjoying your favorite larger earrings is still possible, moderation is key to preserving the health and integrity of your earlobes.

What is the best timeline for getting laser refractive surgery (such as LASIK or PRK) and eyelid surgery?

It is generally advisable to wait at least 6 months between laser refractive surgery (e.g. LASIK or PRK) for vision and eyelid surgery. This is because both procedures increase the risk of dry eye symptoms and when performed within a short timespan of each other, can significantly increase this risk and the severity of symptoms. For this same reason, laser refractive surgery and blepharoplasty are not performed at the same time.

If I have had abdominal surgery before, am I still a candidate for a tummy tuck?

Most of the time, yes. Often it depends on where the scars are located and how long ago the procedure took place. Common abdominal surgeries that generally do not affect having a tummy tuck include C-sections, laparoscopic appendix removal, laparoscopic gallbladder removal, tubal ligation, and hysterectomy. Some procedures that used to be done with larger incisions such as gallbladder removal with one longer incision under the rib cage, can affect the blood supply to the abdominal wall. As it can affect the surgical plan and possibly the result of your tummy tuck, it is best to tell your surgeon about any surgeries you have had before when you meet them for your consultation. It is also important to tell your surgeon if you have had any mesh or other implants (such as lap bands) placed.

My earlobe is flimsy or has wrinkles. Is there anything that I can do about that?

As we age, the ears undergo natural changes, including increased size and a reduction in volume and firmness of the earlobes. This often results in the development of a central crease and potential inward folding. To rejuvenate and restore a more youthful contour and volume, Dr. Aimé commonly suggests procedures such as dermal filler injections or fat grafting.

Will insurance cover my eyelid surgery?

Generally, eyelid surgery is considered cosmetic. If you have blepharoptosis or severe excess eyelid skin that impairs your vision, insurance may cover the procedure. Usually this requires a special vision test that is performed at an oculoplastic surgeon's office.

When will I be able to drive after my tummy tuck?

You must be off of all narcotic pain medications and be able to safely perform driving maneuvers before you are allowed to drive. Generally, this takes 1-2 weeks and during this time you should plan to have someone drive you.

When would you refer a patient to an oculoplastic surgeon instead?

Patients that have blepharoptosis ("lazy eye") or conditions that affect the eye, such as Sjögren's syndrome, thyroid eye disease, severe dry eye, are best cared for by an oculoplastic surgeon.

How long should I plan to be out of work after my tummy tuck?

Two weeks is the minimum recommended time off. Many patients can get back to part time or light duty thereafter. Generally, patients will still get tired partway through the day from 2-4 weeks and in some cases, up to 6 weeks. Similar to driving, you must be off of all narcotic pain medication before returning to work.


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